Saturday, April 20, 2013

ANGELFISH directed by michael tyburski

here's a pretty little film i just came across called ANGELFISH. it's a short film about a guy named august. or about a relationship. or about how relationships sometimes go. or about life. you choose. it has very wes anderson-esque feel.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

gregory euclide

i first saw his work on the cover of bon iver's latest album. (which, if you haven't heard yet, give it a listen. preferably on a rainy day. here's a sample:


you can see his work above. there is a very earthy, organic feel to that piece, which i think worked well with the musicians desires, especially considering both artists reign from the same state (wisconsin). though i think you will see that theme in much of his other work apart from bon iver, which you can check out here.

give it a whirl.

george w is a painter

finally, all my dreams have come true.

george w. bush is an artist. and his art is on display for all the world to see. check it out here.

if you have somehow forgotten this amazing man, here is a refresher. check out these moves!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

olympic sculpture park

whilst in seattle the past few days, i had the chance to walk through the sculpture park on the pier. there are about 20 or so odd sculptures throughout the park. most notable, however, is calder's piece "eagle" (1971):

it was a beautiful day to boot. check out the park website here. and the next time you're in seattle, go have a look for yourself.

Monday, March 25, 2013

robert montgomery

stumbled across london based artist, robert montgomery. most of his work is textual based, employing white lettering on black backgrounds. or the opposite. interesting.

check out more of his work here.

sleeping in a box

actress tilda swinton took a snooze at the moma this past weekend. in a glass box. it wouldn't necessarily be my first choice for a nap, but who knows, museums are actually very relaxing. 

read about it here.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

arthur pinajian

here's an interesting article i came across today. it's about a hermit artist whose art was not recognized until long after his death — 14 years to be exact. now his art is hanging in a gallery on madison ave and has price tags from $3,750-$87,000. 

it's strange how someone can work their entire life creating art that isn't discovered or relevant until after death. strange and sad.