Thursday, October 18, 2012

"the digital as an extension of the social"...

last spring semester, i took a class called "digital diversity" that explored the many different ways digital technology has seeped into and taken over different areas of human experience. this chapter in digital visual culture reminded me much of some of the content portrayed in that course. and i have read much about mcluhan and his contributions as a media expert.

specifically, i remember studying this idea of the digital realm becoming an extension of the social/physical. the world as we know it today, and the way humans communicate, is completely backwards from what it once was (unfortunately might i add). we are becoming consumed with digital forms of socialization, i.e. social networking, email, text messaging etc. personally, this move from physical to digital in a social sense is somehow uncomfortable to me. strange, you might think, coming from a student of digital technology. but i suppose the more i study it, the more i realize that sometimes all i really want is a good conversation with friends. perhaps somewhere in the mountains on a cold night around a warm fire.

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