Tuesday, September 4, 2012

digital self portrait

when given the objective to create a digital self portrait of myself, initially i had no clear idea of what sort of narrative i wanted to develop. obviously, i wanted to make something that would represent myself and my interests. i also knew i didn't want to make a self portrait in the literal sense, rather to lean more towards the experimental. as i began browsing through my photos, i happened upon this old rodeo photo from the 70's of my father and my grandfather. my father is on the bronc and my grandfather is on the right side of the photo. i've always liked this photo and the historical narrative it tells, especially since i am close with my father, but never had the opportunity to really know my grandfather before he died. keeping that in mind, i thought of pasting my face onto each face of the crowd. i thought this would add to the historical narrative, connecting present and past in a sort of intertwined and contorted way. it presents myself (many times over) and what is important to me — my family and their history. i've always wondered what it would be like to meet my family members in different periods of their lives, to see what they were like, if our personalities were similar, etc. that was sort of my driving force behind this project. 

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