Monday, September 3, 2012

on post modernism, briefly.

in preparation for our discourse on modernism and postmodernism, i've been doing a bit of research outside of the wikipedia article. firstly, i wanted to gain a better understanding of the term "postmodernism" in relation to art. the wiki article described it as, "a body of art movements that sought to contradict some aspects of modernism or to have emerged or developed in its aftermath." since i found that definition to be kind of boring, i located another one that offered more insight into the movement: "A late 20th Century style and conceptual theory in the arts and architecture, characterized by a general distrust of ideologies as well as a rather 'difficult' relationship with what constitutes art." this 2nd definition really gave me a better understanding into what is the driving force behind postmodernism, as opposed to just knowing that it "developed" in modernism's aftermath (already quite obvious from reading the titles). it seems that where skill once championed over creativity (modernism), the opposite is now true for postmodernism. 

however well our discussion goes on tuesday, i doubt that one movement will be proven superior over the other. it's all a matter of opinion.

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