Monday, September 17, 2012

the johnny cash project

this has been around for a long time, but i rediscovered it this evening and thought i'd share, just in case any of you haven't had the chance.

started in 2010, the johnny cash project is a "global collective art project" that basically gives anyone anywhere the ability to create their own adaptation of a single frame from a music video for cash's song ain't no grave. apparently, more than 250,000 people have already participated.

here's a little clip about the project:

what a brilliant idea. there are some really incredible contributions, as well as some very simple ones, but overall they combine into something very moving. i think it would be interesting to do a project similar to this as a class where we each contribute a frame and create a short film using our work. although considering the small amount of people in our courses, it would be a short video, but still an interesting thought.

what do you guys think?


  1. Bring this up when we get to our video section!

  2. I really enjoy this video. I have seen this video before but I never get tired of hearing Johnny Cash. Short and Interesting definitely.
